April 16, 2023
2:00-5:00pm at Veteran's Park

April 16, 2023

2:00-5:00pm at Veteran's Park

Join us at the walking track as you can Walk Thru the Life of Christ!

Scene 1 - The Shepherds and the Angels 

Scene 2 - The birth of Jesus

Presented by: Burkesville First Christian Church

Scene 3 - The Last Supper

Presented by: Centerpoint Church

Scene 4 - Carrying the Cross

Presented by: Burkesville Baptist Church

Scene 5 - Crucifixion 

Presented by: Grace Union Baptist Church

Scene 6 - Resurrection

Presented by: Grace Union Baptist Church

Thank you for coming out!

If you would like to learn more about Jesus, come to church, or speak to someone we are here for you!  
There are people waiting to pray with you!  Come out to the Pavilion and we would love to talk with you!

Churches involved in the event.

HUGE THANK YOU!! To everyone who prayed and had a hand in this event.